The Delhi High Court has reserved its order on the bail plea of DMK MP Kanimozhi, arrested and jailed in connection with the 2G scam. She has been behind bars at Tihar Jail for more than two weeks now.Kanimozhi had moved the High Court after the special CBI court had dismissed her bail pleas and ordered her arrest on May 20.Earlier today, a court rejected the bail plea of Cineyug Films' Karim Morani, one of the accused in the 2G scam case. Morani is accused of facilitating kickback payments to Kalaignar TV.A special CBI court had, last Thursday, reserved its order on his bail plea. Morani has been named by the CBI as a co-conspirator in the 2G scam. He has been getting exemption from personal appearance on the ground of ill health.Kanimozhi has been charged by the CBI with allegedly conspiring with former Telecom Minister A Raja and accepting Rs. 214 crore as bribe via Kalaignar TV, in which she owns 20% stake. Raja, a DMK MP and a Dalit leader, has been in Tihar Jail since February for allegedly planning and executing the 2G scam when he was Telecom Minister in 2008. A company that he favoured allegedly sent him the massive bribe.
Kanimozhi has said in her bail plea that no bribe was received by Kalaignar TV; that the money from Cineyug was only a loan which was repaid. She has pleaded that all transactions are transparent and taxes have been paid. In her petition, she has also denied the allegation of a strong association with A Raja.
In an emotional family reunion last Monday, Kanimozhi's 87-year-old father, DMK chief M Karunanidhi came to Delhi and spent about an hour with his youngest child at Tihar Jail. The former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister flew down for what was to have been a day-long trip. He stayed at the Taj Mansingh Hotel in New Delhi and was scheduled to leave in the evening. But the DMK chief cancelled his flight tickets to Chennai after meeting Kanimozhi. His older son MK Alagiri accompanied him to Delhi.
Kanimozhi has said in her bail plea that no bribe was received by Kalaignar TV; that the money from Cineyug was only a loan which was repaid. She has pleaded that all transactions are transparent and taxes have been paid. In her petition, she has also denied the allegation of a strong association with A Raja.
In an emotional family reunion last Monday, Kanimozhi's 87-year-old father, DMK chief M Karunanidhi came to Delhi and spent about an hour with his youngest child at Tihar Jail. The former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister flew down for what was to have been a day-long trip. He stayed at the Taj Mansingh Hotel in New Delhi and was scheduled to leave in the evening. But the DMK chief cancelled his flight tickets to Chennai after meeting Kanimozhi. His older son MK Alagiri accompanied him to Delhi.